The Covid-19 epidemic has a negative impact on the economy as a whole across all sectors of activity, which led to a deterioration in the initial budget forecasts: the initial estimate of revenue and expenditure made in the 2020 budget law is no more applicable considering the present circumstances.
The amending Finance Bill for the year 2020 takes into account, on the basis of the evolution of economic forecasts, the initial budgetary consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic and forecasts a 5% recession and a budget deficit of 7.5%. It also provides an amending budget that aims to implement emergency measures to maintain economic activity.
This article sets out the main tax measures provided for in the amending Finance Bill for the year 2020:
- Measures to neutralize the impact of expenses related to the Coronavirus pandemic
- Measures allowing the relaunch of certain sectors of activity
- c) 50% reduction of registration fees applicable to the acquisition of real estate for residential use
- Postponement of the deadlines for the derogatory regularization measures introduced by the Finance Bill 2020.
- a) Spontaneous regularization of the tax situation of taxpayers
- c) Regularization of liquid assets from professional or agricultural activity
- d) Spontaneous regularization for assets and cash held abroad
- e) Contribution in full discharge in respect of fines relating to payment incidents on cheques