CNSS COVID 19 - How to Defer Payment of Due Dates

Apr 8, 2020
Methods of implementation of the second measure taken by the CNSS following COVID 19 Deferral of social security contributions with free remission of late payment surcharges The CNSS has put in place the second measure taken by the economic intelligence committee, which is to suspend and defer the payment of dues for the period from March 1 to June 30, 2020 with the graceful remission of late payment increases. (the payment of these dues is thus postponed to the end of the above-mentioned period, without any late payment penalty). The CNSS has integrated the modalities for this measure into the portal. You should go to the site "" where the CNSS has added a new functionality. Employers, whose activity is impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, and wishing to benefit from the measure must submit, before each due date (i.e. before the 10th of each month following the due month) for the entire period, a request for deferral ". The new interface incorporates an (electronic) declaration of honour. The affiliate must formulate his request to defer payment of contributions by ticking the "Declaration on honour" box on the portal, certifying his state of financial difficulty caused by the Covid pandemic - 19″. The deadline will be open until 30 June 2020. "The agreement of the rebate will be made automatically as soon as the payment of the totality of the contributions has been established before the 8 month deadline following the date of declaration of the end of the health crisis."
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