CNSS Measurements - COVID 19 Morocco

Mar 27, 2020
Implementation of measures undertaken by the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) as a response to Covid-19 The CNSS has announced  Friday, March 27th ,the implementation of support measures for companies in difficulty. These measures intend to help employees but also companies:
  1. For the benefit of employees on temporary interruption of work : Granting of a net lump-sum indemnity of 2,000 DHS to all employees declared to the CNSS in February 2020, in addition to family allowances and AMO benefits, for the period from 15 March to 30 June 2020.  (subject to conditions detailed below);
  2. For the benefit of companies: An exemption from employer's contributions and professional training tax for companies that undertake not to reduce their workforce, declared in February 2020, by more than 20% for the period from 15 March 2020 to 30 June 2020. (under conditions not yet defined) ;
The practical arrangements for the implementation of the first measure are described below. As for the second measure, we are still waiting for more details on the conditions for its applicability. Eligibility : Employees, in temporary interruption of work declared to the CNSS for the month of February 2020, which fall under the responsibility of employers in difficulty, affiliated to the CNSS. Methods of implementation : The CNSS has announced the availability to employers of an electronic portal "" dedicated to the submission of claims in order to benefit from the allowance during the period from 15 March to 30 June 2020.
  • If the employer is a member of the DAMANCOM portal, the system will prompt the employer to enter the DAMANCOM portal login and password;
  • If the employer is not a DAMANCOM member, the portal will assist the employer in creating an account. He will receive his login and password by e-mail;
The portal will present to the employer the list of employees declared for the month of February 2020. The employer will have to select the employee on temporary cessation from this list and will have to formalise on the portal its declaration on honour certifying that the total or partial cessation of its activity is induced by the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic; The employees selected on the list will receive the allowance at the end of each month of the period concerned and will benefit from the Family Allowances and the AMO, by bank transfer or by provision. The allowance from 15 to 31 March 2020 is set at MAD 1,000. It is recommended to :
  • Carry out the tele-declarations of the salaries of all your employees before the end of each month and not before the 10th of the following month.
  • Transfer the tele-declarations after the validation
  • Declare employees on temporary cessation of activity at the end of each month with Maintenance without pay, from the month 04/2020 and until the end of the crisis,
Verification of eligibility : The CNSS verifies that these employees did not returned to work (no declaration to the CNSS). The payment of the allowance of March 2020 will not be conditioned by this verification.
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