The right of non-executive shareholders to information remains an indispensable for the adoption of collective decisions and therefore for the proper functioning of the company.
Thanks to the amendments of the Law 17-95 relating to public limited companies, Moroccan law has been brought into line with international standards applicable to the transparency of information produced by management organs, as well as to the transparency of information provided to the public.
The shareholders' right to information is provided for by Articles 140 and following. of the law 17-95. The right to information is part of the non-monetary rights linked to the holding of a share. (every shareholder has the right to information on the results, the management and the social life of the company).
The shareholder's right of communication can be exercised :
- Periodically: (At the occasion of a general meeting)
- Permanently: Article 146 provides that "Every shareholder has the right to obtain, at any time, the corporate documents referred to in Article 141 and relating to the last three financial years, as well as the minutes and attendance sheets of the general meetings held during these financial years. »