Main contributions of the Law n° 19-20

28 mar 2022
In the continuity of the efforts made by Morocco for the modernization of the legal arsenal in corporate law, the law n°19-20 has been promulgated in the Official Gazette " BO " N°7006 of July 22, 2021 in order to modify and complete the law 17-95 on public companies and the law n° 5-96 on the partnership, the limited partnership, the partnership limited by shares, the limited liability company and the joint venture company, published. The main changes in the law are based on the following points:
Main News Changes made
Law 17-95 on Public Companies "SA
1. The representation of women and men in the Board of Directors and supervisory board of Publicly listed company.   Articles: 39, 83, 105-1, 105-2, 105-3, 105-4 and 105-5 Publicly listed company must ensure
  • 30% representation of women as of January 1, 2024
  • 40% representation of women as of January 1, 2027
  1. In the event of non-compliance with these provisions, directors' fees may not be paid to members of the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Board until their composition is regularized.
  2. In the case of a Board of Directors or Supervisory Board composed of no more than 8 members, the difference between the number of members of each sex may not exceed two (2).
  3. The technical committees provided for in articles 51, 76 and 106 bis of law n°17-95 must include at least one representative of each sex
2. Improving the financing capacity of public companies by facilitating the use of bonds   Articles: 293, 294, 296 and 298 Companies with less than two years of existence may issue bonds provided on condition:
  • That the capital is fully paid up;
  • That the issue be preceded by a verification of the assets and liabilities by an auditor;
  • That the placement of the issue be made exclusively with qualified investors as defined by the laws and regulations in force.
3. Involvement of delegated general manager and shareholders in the obligation to communicate regulated agreements to the Chairman   Article: 58 The delegated general manager and the shareholders concerned are also required to inform the Chairman of the Board as soon as they become aware of a regulated agreement and may not take part in the vote on the authorization requested.
4. Clarification of Articles 300 to 302 of the Public Limited Companies Act concerning the representative of the bondholders' group ;   Articles: 300, 301, 301-bis and 302 The provisions of articles 300 to 302 of the law, relating to the representative of the body of bondholders, have been repealed and replaced by other articles aimed, among other things, at strengthening the role of the representative of the body of bondholders by clarifying :
  • the criteria for its appointment and the qualities required for its appointment (must justify financial and legal expertise while being independent of the company)
  • the terms of its remuneration
  • its mission (drawing up, if it deems it necessary, 15 days following each anniversary date of the bond issue, a report for the bondholders describing, in particular, the actions and diligence carried out in the context of its mission to safeguard the interests of the bondholders)
5. Introduction of a rotation system for auditors ;   Article: 163 Establishment of a rotation system for the renewal of the mandate of the auditors within Publicly listed companies for a period not exceeding 12 years with a void period of 4 years following the end of their mandate
6. Extension of the scope of the provisions allowing remote meetings by means of videoconferencing to all decisions   Articles: 50, 110, 111 and 131-bis Possibility of recourse, in a general way, to the means of videoconference for the remote holding of all the meetings of the bodies of governance of the Public Companies as well as their General Assemblies in the respect of the provisions of article 50 bis of the law 17-95. Unless otherwise provided for in the articles of association. These are inapplicable when exceptional circumstances require it and are declared by the public authorities.   Any shareholder may also vote by correspondence using a form, when exceptional circumstances require it and are declared by the public authorities, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.  
7. Introduction of the obligation to hold meetings of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board at least twice a year   Articles: 73 and 90-bis The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board must convene the boards at least twice a year.
8. Repeal of Title XV: on the simplified publc company between companies   Articles: Title XV (425 to 440) The provisions relating to the simplified public company between companies have been repealed and replaced by the creation of a new form of company
Law 5-96 on the partnership, the limited partnership, the partnership limited by shares, the limited liability company and the joint venture company
9. Institution of a new form of public company called "Société par Action Simplifiée Articles: Title III bis (articles 43-1 to 43-15). Introduction of the simplified public company and the simplified public company with a sole shareholder a type of company that favors contractual freedom and introduces flexibility in the operation and management of the company.  
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